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Scientific American magazine, 1887 | Source
Scientific American magazine, 1887 | Source

The suitably incredible business letterhead of Nikola Tesla, circa 1900. Inventions featured, clockwise from top-left: Oscillation Transformer, Telautomaton (wireless, remote-controlled devices; pictured is a remotely-operated boat, showcased in 1898), Steam & Gas Turbine, Induction Motor. Centre: Wardenclyffe Tower (never completed). Related letterhead: Thomas Edison. Nikola Tesla Company, c.1900 | Submitted by Gina

The suitably incredible business letterhead of Nikola Tesla, circa 1900. Inventions featured, clockwise from top-left: Oscillation Transformer, Telautomaton (wireless, remote-controlled devices; pictured is a remotely-operated boat, showcased in 1898), Steam & Gas Turbine, Induction Motor. Centre: Wardenclyffe Tower (never completed).

Nikola Tesla Company, c.1900

The Laboratory of Thomas A. Edison, 1923 | Source

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